Thursday, June 7, 2012

Creative Space: Pin Cushion + blanket update

Playing along with Kirsty's My Creative Space meme today. 
Pop over to Kidspot to join in or see other spaces.

I've made a pin cushion. It's my very first and in honour of an old 
friend who has taken up sewing (and doing some cracker pieces too!).
Happy birthday Anita! and yah to having sewing friends too! :)

Isometric blanket update... I've been diligently diamonding and I would 
estimate I'm about 75% finished. The blanket has been ravelled.

I'm dreaming of a fluorescent orange border on this one but do you think I 
can find fluoro yarn anywhere? I would have thought it'd be so easy!

Let me know if you've seen any in your neck of the woods?
(every time I write an expression like that these days I giggle to imagine what 
the auto-translator would make of it! Obviously I'm reading a lot of foreign 
language blogs lately! :))

Hope you've had a wonderful week.


  1. Your isometric blanket is just so cool! Lovely pincushion too.

  2. The blanket is looking really good! Can't wait to see it finished.

  3. Pincushion is divine!

    The blanket is beyond! I will ask Pip about fluro orange for you. I'm sure she's had some. xx

  4. Love the triangles going into the pincushion!!
    A bit of fluro around the blanket will look brilliant -
    sorry i'm no help with the colour tho!X

  5. Very cute pin cushion! It's great to have sewing friends :)
    The blanket is looking great... very cool!

  6. Hey Kylie, just love looking at that blanket, you're doing a great job....75% fnished, that's a lot of work.

    Love the pin cushion too, lucky friend!!

    I spy a banjo in the background, do you play? I bought one when I was 17, but shortly after my teacher moved away, so never continued. I wish I had, just love to be able to pick it up and play something.

    CLaire :}

  7. I've said it before and I'll say it again FREAK!! my good the blanket is fing amazing.
    and I love the pincushion too.

  8. Hiya, wow what a beautiful wee pincushion I really like the colours they go great together. & that blanket is so trippy! :) nice work! loving your creative space

  9. Such a cute pincushion - I like the pretty colours! The blanket is a very clever design, the 3-dimensional effect is kind of tripping me out! ;)

  10. Love the pincushion, sure Anita loves it!
    Good luck with your search for fluoro...think it will look awesome!

  11. That is the lovliest pincushion and the blanket is amazing! Such an interesting design.

  12. What more can I add to all those nice comments you get? I completely agree with everyone:) I'm a fan of you, but you already knew that:)

  13. oh my goodness! that blanket is AMAZING!! and I love your neat little pin cushion too!

  14. i can't get over how cool that blanket is! i like the pincushion too :)

  15. EStupendo alfiletero y sobre todo blog lleno de creatividad. Te sigo!!

  16. Any luck on fluorescent yarn yet? I think the orange would complement perfectly.
    You could try this site, though not convenient -

  17. the blanket looks so cool!
    The only fluorescent orange I've seen was acrylic, I think it's hard to find it in wool.
    happy weekend kylie :)

  18. Love that fab isometric blanket! Happy wool hunting Kylie!

  19. Both projects look great. That blanket is going to be awesome. I did have some very bright orange yarn, but it wasn't exactly fluorescent. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the brand was. Perhaps you could dye your own...?

  20. Loving the palette you chose for your pincushion. Just gorgeous.
    Gotta say I'm surprised neon isn't easier to find - will keep a lookout. : )
