Saturday, June 30, 2012

Le Tour

We are crazy about the Tour de France in this household. So excited it starts tonight!

There'll be a lot of late late nights over the next couple of weeks, but that's 
also plenty of crochet time too! ;) Are you crazy for the Tour too?

Image from here.


  1. Oh. Cripes. Le tour followed by the Olympics. Heaven help my eyebags.

  2. I love Le Tour as well! I always catch the 6pm wrap up & we love to put the telly in the bedroom & watch it whilst we drift off to sleep - it's very relaxing! (relaxing for us not for the cyclists!)

  3. In this house we live and breath the tour!
    It feels as though we have been holding our breath since the last one finished.
    I CAN"T WAIT till this evening when I am going to sit down with a large glass of beer, surrounded by my boys having avoided tv and radio all day to spend an hour or so shouting at the screen.
    A few years ago the prelude and stage one were here in London, my Dad flew back home just to be with us all.
    We nearly went in to melt down.
    And we saw the Devil wandering about the back streets by Victoria station.
    Oh dear i have been trying to keep a lid on my excitement, but looks like thats no longer possible.
    Better go before i make a fool of my self!!

  4. for me the tour is the ultimate vacation feeling,
    I see the mobile & potholders arrived :^)
