Thursday, July 5, 2012

Creative Space: Homemade or handmade?

Remember the Isometric Blanket? Well, I've spent this week pulling it apart 
and re-assembling it... I know, it's mad but I just had to do it... 

It actually came about because of The Gap... realising that what I'd made 
wasn't good enough and wanting to do things better; to evolve. 

Basically, all my pieces are crocheted together and that's been fine when I made
them into cushions (and no-one could see the back), but this latest spate of
blanket-making has made me realise it's just not cutting the mustard anymore.

I don't mean to sound snooty but it just looked so hokey at the back and it was really 
irritating me. Surely just because it's handmade doesn't mean it has to look all clunky 
and awkward?

Chunky back

So, I toddled on down to Tangled Yarns where the lovely Kelly showed me how to 
do it properly... Blanket Stitch! Am I the only one who didn't know about this miracle? 
Maybe it's because I don't knit? Whatever it is I am amazed and delighted.

Flat-join Blanket Stitch Method

Who knew the front and back could look virtually the same!
Kelly and I were chatting about the difference it makes to finished pieces and 
she suggested it's the difference between home-made and hand-made...

I think she's right though I don't actually want to sound disparaging towards 
homemade... I mean, that's kind of nice too :) 

What do you think? Nothing's nicer than a blanket your granny made you whatever 
it looks like on the back... but if you were trying to sell these blankets in a shop the 
tyranny of the 'finished piece' is about a professional job even if it is made by hand...
at least that's how it seems to me.

During the sun-shiny days here, I've been experimenting with a new block 
design too... you can see that on the Paravent facebook page.

Hope you've had a great week. You can find more creative spaces here.


  1. You are right - it does look much nicer with that neat stitch on the back. Overall, I think it looks just fabulous and very effective! I'd love to know how you make your diamonds/triangles??? I am having such a crochet fail in my attempts!

  2. I know what you mean...I feel your pain... perfectionism is a curse sometimes! I drive myself crazy with it... everything I make has to be perfect... I can't stand it if there is anything, not quite right with it... I would always see the fault for ever more so I always have to redo... always!! :)

  3. Hey Kylie, totally agree with your sentiments.........what a job redoing your blanket.
    The back does look much smoother now, but the 'chunky back' gave it another dimension too.
    Home made versus hand made.....I like that.
    Will always be in my mind now prompting me to go that extra mile.
    Love this blanket.....

    Claire :}

  4. It looks amazing Kylie, i can't believe it's the back.
    And wow redoing the blanket is a total big job, but you know I totally understand why you did it, not because I felt it was hokey in anyway ( not a word I ever associate with your work) but because i do get the need to get something "right" or to the point we are happy with . it looks fab! xo

  5. Taking the plunge to pull a big project like that apart is very scary, but you may not have used it, otherwise. It is amazing what a difference it has made!

  6. Gorgeous! Just beautiful, beautiful work always Kylie.

  7. When I first discovered blanket stitch I was amazed. Why didn't I learn it much, much sooner? :) It looks amazing, with the blanket stitch. I agree on the difference between home-made and hand-made. If I would make it for myself I wouldn't bother with a 'ugly' back.. But if I would make it for someone else I would make sure it was as perfect as it can be. Even if that means taking it apart and starting all over. Hurray for your courage! It has really paid of, that blanket is looking GORGEOUS!!! :)

  8. it certainly does look better and i am in full agreement that handmade doesn't necessarily mean homemade. Just because something is handmade it doesn't mean we want it to look 'hokey' as you put it...loving that word - going to use it all day!

  9. I love your drive to perfect your art Kylie. What a huge difference. Do you find it is much more time consuming? I hear a lot of people hate stitching their knitting up at the end, but I love it! It means my project is nearly done! Weaving in a million ends on a blanket though, that is another matter... :)

  10. Totally agree with your decision to restitch the blanket, what a lovely finish! Handmade all the way with me! :)

  11. In the comments before me, everything has been said. I agree with everyone, especially that you again deliver customized work, your blanket is beautiful. Thanks for the info, Kylie!

  12. You are sooo amazing! Always love your creations.
    And yes, we are glued to the tour....this week we are always in sports overload. I love, love Wimbledon we are taping and watching both!
    Hope you are enjoying the tour.
    Love m

  13. I'm with you, I've been known to tear something "perfectly good" apart to make it just that little bit better. :)

  14. Beautiful work Kylie. Yes, it's definitely worth the effort and you've hit the mark:)

  15. The front and back both look great. I understand the drive for perfection. I just pulled out hours worth of knit shawl because I was 2 stitches off :).

  16. Absolutley worth it! Gorgeous

  17. I meant to comment on this post the other day. I totally agree with you about handmade and homemade - both are wonderful and beautiful and well, made with hands. But there is a difference in expectation of finish and design and (possibly) "sellability".
    I love that you went to Tangled Yarns for advice. What a great and inspiring space they have made there, I really do wish I lived in Brisbane again if only to learn knitting in their classes. I would love our Hey Maker space to be half as beautiful as Tangled Yarns.
    This piece is so excellent and beautiful. True work(wo)manship from a real craftswoman.
