Sunday, July 8, 2012


We went away to the mountains for a long weekend before school starts again...

I am quite sick with a bug at the moment so I was by the fire or in bed the whole 
weekend I'm afraid... but the girls got out for some walks.

And they had some fun on the flying fox too.

Hope you've had a great weekend :)


  1. Sorry to hear you are unwell Kylie, hope you're feeling better soon as.....
    Top pic is gorgeous and that flying fox looks like heaps of fun.

    Claire :}

  2. Wow - the girls look like they had loads of fun!!

    I hope you are feeling better soon Kylie -
    Selina and I will have to come and visit you sometime!?XX

  3. Hi Kylie,
    Sorry to hear that you are not well. Get better soon! Sure looks like your girls had a brilliant adventure.
    Best wishes!

  4. Hope you feel better soon Kylie:)
    I have always wanted to do the 'flying fox'! It
    looks just awesome!XX

  5. Sorry to hear you missed out on the fun--I've had that happen to me. But glad everyone got some time away!

  6. If one must be sick, then I guess sitting around a camp fire is as good a place as any? Fiona and I both have a cold too, and so do the little ones. No fires here though. Just cups of tea and pieces of shortbread. :)

  7. Oh looks daring, and fun :)
    Hope you're feeling better today Kyile.

  8. great to have active outdoorsy girls. hope you're feeling better. x

  9. omg, what fun! i love seeing your girls Kylie, they are so pretty!!! oh how i want a ride on the flying fox, looks like out of control good times. ♥
