Friday, August 10, 2012

Creative Space: Getting out of your comfort zone

I didn't join in with the My Creative Space meme yesterday because I couldn't think 
of a single creative tip to suggest. What I did do, though, is visit the art gallery with
 a blogger friend... and *zammy* I feel so much more inspired now! 

So, that's my tip... get out of your comfy clothes and comfy surroundings at home and 
see what's going on out there :) Meanwhile, this is something I've finished this week 
while I was in my comfies...

And it's available in my shop :)
Thanks to Kirsty for shaking up the comfies and turning things uʍop ǝpısdn!
More creative tips and creative spaces here.


  1. Said it before, will say it again.... I LOVE THIS PATTERN!!!! Cushion or blanket, I love love love it!

  2. Kylie, it's A W E S O M E.......I could look at that design for ages and just lose myself in it.....
    Great creative tip too.

    CLaire :}

  3. Perfection Kylie - can't be easy pulling off geometrics but you do. Can't believe what a short time ago it was you only began this whole crochet caper!

  4. That cushion is stunning! And, the Art Gallery is a great creative tip!

  5. love love love this, Kylie and love the photo with your specs on it too! How true to get out of one's comfort zone and see what's going on out there...very inspiring x

  6. Fabulous cushion Kylie! Love your uspide down tip!XX

  7. Love that cushion! I feel inspired to get out into the world and out of the comfort zone :)

  8. I love that cushion! And that's a brilliant tip!

  9. Dear Kylie, Going to a museum is what I do when I need a creative boost -- and that means I should probably go today! Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend!

  10. I'm inspired each time I visit the gallery or museum. At Uni my favourite thing to do was visit art gallery exhibition openings. Especially in the small galleries around the Valley. Perfect for my student budget, the wine was usually free and so was the food, the people watching was wonderful, the conversation so varied and of course, the art work, whether good or bad, inspired a reaction. xx

  11. It looks great, and I really love the photo with the glasses on the cushion. Just really appeals to my sensibilities. Looks like it could be an add in a decor catalog. :)
